Worst Game Ever

Although the title of Worst Game Ever has been claimed by many, this one is a sure candidate. It's a pre-iphone mobile game that never saw the light of day, but just got resurrected for your enjoyment/punishment. Replete with music, sound design and voice over, it actually contains all the key elements of game audio. From gameplay action to cut scenes and trailer treatment, let it serve as a beacon for those who also want to make bad games. There is a certain aesthetic to old games, due in part to the crippling limitations faceed by the developers. Now it has become an obscure artform and somethingquite different from todays 7D audio-visual experience. The recent success of Flappy Bird is proof that people love dumb games, however, the downpour of knockoffs proves that there is an art to getting it just right. When presented properly, players get hooked and can't look away. They get mezmerized by the bad (simple) art and serious/funny sound. The combination of pixel art and hi-def audio was the goal here, but the script seemed pretty funny and thus was brought to life (or death). Maybe it was inspired by "All Your Base are Belong To Us" The music in this game was actually from a totally different project that was never released. This was overkill for a mobile game trailer, but does seem to carry the viewer a little longer, so they can hear the whole story. That's the point, right? Keeping them waiting for more. Could worst game ever be a new award category?